27 November 2024 Casino

GambleAware reports 12% more people seeking help compared to last year

Written by: Lucy Wynne Senior Casino Editor
2 min to read
GambleAware report 2024: 12% more people seeking help


Gambling harm prevention charity GambleAware recently reported that there has been a 12% rise in people using its services and seeking support in 2024, compared to 2023.

Of the 12%, a total increase of 11,000 people accessed GambleAware’s services in 2024. The increase is said to have happened between the dates of 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

Out of the 11,000, 7,500 people received cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) as well as other structured treatment such as one-to-one support or residential care.

The report also mentioned that a total of 3,291 people used their early intervention service and of that number, 3,048 people went on to receive further treatment afterwards.

Results from those who sought treatment reported that 95% of people who got treatment showed signs of improvement. 

Additionally, problem gambling rates fell from 87% to 10% in the timeframe between the first appointment and the completion of treatment.

The report also revealed that 75% of those seeking help received their first appointment within 12 days and 50% received their first appointment within six days. 

Anna Hargrave, GambleAware chief commissioning and strategy officer, said: “Not only have we reached more people, we have been able to identify and support people at a much earlier stage and that is part of the reason why we have seen an increase in people receiving treatment and support." 

Hargrave continued: “We look forward to the introduction of the statutory levy on gambling operators and the future gambling harms commissioning system, and we will continue to work in partnership with all those in the sector including the NHS.” 

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